
Utah Lake State Park (stream) looking NW

Weather Forecast Links
Provo Bay general weather forecast
Provo Bay hour-by-hour weather forecast (good for temperature, okay for wind)

For the best hourly wind forecasts download the free WindAlert app from the app store. Open the app and select the closest station to where you want a forecast, click on the forecast tab then select the WA-TRRM forecast which updates every hour. Will look like the below Blend forecast for Provo that updates four times a day.

Current Weather
Current Provo Airport Weather (use mainly for course #1)
*Current Spanish Fork Weather (use mainly for course #3/4)
*If the 3-6am winds average 9-13 mph then they normally end by 10am, if winds average less than 9 mph then you may be able to ski at sun up, if winds average more than 13 mph then you may not be able to ski until 11am.
Current Wasatch Front Weather

Lake Data
Current Utah Lake Level
Past Utah Lake Levels
Utah Lake Depth Map (depth numbers are when the lake is around -3.0 below compromise)
Algal bloom information Utah lakes
Real Time Utah Lake Water Quality Data Including Water Temperature
Utah Lake Conditions
Utah Lake Inflow
Willow Lakes                              
Calls Fort                                     
Last Chance Lakes                      
Bear Hollow Lakes                         
Goode Ski Lake                           
Pioneer Lake Ski Club                   
Golden Spike Water Ski Club Mantua Reservoir
Still Water Lake Estates     
Holmes Creek Reservoir  Contact Gerald Nelson (801) 560-8467
Hobbs Reservoir Not sure of the contact person             
Northside Creek   
Southern Shores                       

USA Water Ski & Wake Sports
AWSA Western Region
Utah Water Ski Association
International Waterski and Wakeboard Federation
The Water Ski Broadcasting Company