Guests/Wait List

The Utah Water Ski Club no longer has a wait list to join, anyone that wants to join can right now! To join the club right now go to  for all of the information. The main benefit of being a Utah Water Ski Club member is you have first rights to use the slalom course. Members also get free entrance into the Boat show every year. Wait list members can use the slalom course at their own risk when members are done skiing. The wait list is still used for those that want to eventually join the club or for those that want the discount benefit of being on the wait list but don't want first rights to use the course.

Welcome to the Utah Water Ski Club guest/wait list area. One of the major goals of the club is to ensure that all club members have a great skiing experience by placing and maintaining quality slalom courses and docks on Utah Lake. The club currently consists of about 60 members with permits from the state to maintain two slalom courses and two docks on Utah Lake.

Click here for the current wait list for those that want to eventually join the club or want the benefits of being on the wait list. The main benefit of being on the club wait list is that you receive the same discounts (click here for the discounts) to local retailers as the members which can easily save you over $20 a year. The $20 to be on the wait list goes towards slalom course maintenance, dock maintenance, permits, insurance, etc which comes to over $7,000 each year.

To get your name on the wait list email a scanned copy (picture with your phone works) of the application (for application form click here) to then send $20 with Venmo (preferred, send to @UtahWaterSkiClub) or PayPal to the Utah Water Ski Club. When paying with Venmo/PayPal make sure you make a note of who the payment is for. As a last resort you may also snail mail the application and a $20 check payable to the Utah Water Ski Club to the VP of Membership. When your ready to join the club your current year's $20 wait list fee will be applied towards new member dues of $350 ($250 if a current family member is a member), all previous years wait list fees will not be refunded. After the first year dues of $350 renewing dues are $125 a year.

*The new preferred electronic payment method is the Venmo app, send to @UtahWaterSkiClub. You can still use PayPal below but the club is charged a fee.

VP Membership
Garn Arnold
522 S. Arnold Ct
Alpine, UT 84004 also Cc

**IMPORTANT** In order to stay on the wait list you will need to pay $20 each year by March 31st, you will also need to e-mail or snail mail in your updated application form (for application form click here

For further information about the club and how to join, please email Garn Arnold (membership VP) at