Board Members

Meeting Schedule
-Jan                              Board meeting (plan annual club meeting)
-Feb                             Annual club meeting/activity
-April                           Board meeting (new members, plan course/dock work project)
-May                                Course/Dock work project
-Aug                            Board meeting at the State Park (plan service project/activity)
-Sep                             Adopt-a-Park service project/activity
-Oct                             Board meeting at restaurant (review year)

Partial list of what needs to be done each year.
  • Hold board meeting mid January.
  • Input charges and deposits into the income and expense sheet. (Monthly)
  • Renew club liability insurance by the end of January with
  • Verify add/subtract member discounts for the back of the member/wait list cards.
  • Order member, wait list, new member cards from AlphaGraphics the end of January.
  • Order member stickers from
  • Secure room for annual meeting/activity with
  • Order food for annual meeting from
  • Send out renewal notices and invite to annual meeting/activity.
  • Make handouts for annual meeting/activity.
  • Hold annual meeting/activity on the Thursday of the boat show in February.
  • Hold board meeting in mid April.
  • Plan food for Adopt-a-Park service project/activity for the third Saturday in May.
  • Hold board meeting mid August
  • Plan food for the Adopt-a-Park service project/activity for the third Saturday in September
  • Hold board meeting mid October.
  • Renew Directors & Officers (D & O) liability insurance in October with
  • Renew SULA in October with Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands for Sovereign Lands.
  • Renew Permission to Place Device on Utah Boating Waters in December with the State Parks.
  • Renew web hosing services in December with
  • Renew USA Water Ski & Wake Sports affiliation in December with

Rob Davidson - President.
  • Primary leader and problem solver for club-related issues and concerns.
  • Public ambassador for the club and the sport of water skiing.
  • Renew Directors & Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance by October 31st with
  • Re-new club affiliation with USA Water Ski. This should be done in December.
  • Pay for web hosting service each December.
  • Renew Club liability insurance every January.
  • Arrange all board meetings.
  • Arrange annual club meeting/activity.
  • Approve club budget.
  • Schedule and direct board meetings. Schedule and direct annual winter club meeting in February. 

Nate Allen - VP Equipment
  • Order needed equipment for the coming year.
  • Maintain the club's courses and docks with help from the equipment manager.
  • Find a place to store clubs equipment.
  • Attend scheduled board meetings and report on equipment status. 
  • Attend annual winter meeting and report club equipment news. 

Scott Hinckley - Equipment Manager 1

  • Decide on needed equipment for the coming year with VP of equipment.
  • Maintain the club's courses and docks with help from the VP of equipment.
  • Find a place to store clubs equipment.
  • Attend scheduled board meetings. 
  • Attend annual winter meeting. 

Scot Chipman - VP Web Site/News
  • Maintain the club's web page/blog with current and up-to-date information.
  • Make periodic additions and improvements to the website.
  • Post all club meetings and events to the club website.
  • Attend scheduled board meetings and report on the club web page/news.
  • Attend annual winter meeting and report on the club web page/news.

Garn Arnold - VP Membership
  • E-mail renewal information to club members around March 1st with the club's e-mail account, send second notice in the middle of March and a final notice near the end of March. Attach club application document to each e-mail.
  • E-mail wait list members around March 1st and remind them that their $20 is due by March 31st to stay on the wait list.
  • Collect and save in club records a signed copy of the UWSC application agreement from each member.
  • Collect member/wait list dues and give to VP Treasurer in a timely manner.
  • Verify that each UWSC member is a member of USA Water Ski.
  • Have membership and wait list cards made in time to give out at the annual meeting in February.
  • Order member stickers and have ready before the annual meeting.
  • Update and keep a hard copy of the member/wait list in the club records, also keep the digital copy on Google drive updated.
  • Update each member/wait list member e-mail address and maintain the member/wait list group e-mails on the clubs Gmail e-mail account.
  • Attend scheduled board meetings and report on member/wait list status.
  • Attend annual winter meeting and report club member/wait list status to the members.

Marcy Pitman - VP Treasurer

  • Establish a business checking account. (not an interest generating checking account.
  • Input charges and deposits into the income and expense sheet.
  • Agree on a general budget with the club president for the coming year.
  • Deposit club member dues into club checking account in a timely manner. (Two weeks after the deadline for paying dues) You may need to coordinate this with the VP Membership person.
  • Reimburse club members for expenses after they have provided receipts. Expenses should roughly be in line with the budget.
  • Attend scheduled board meetings and report on finances.
  • Attend annual winter meeting and report club finances to the members.

Hank Cobb - VP Government & Regulation Affairs

  • Pay yearly $450 fee to Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands for Sovereign Lands Special Use Lease Agreement (SULA). Permit # is 300-00302, will need to be renewed in 2027.
  • Fill out Application for Permission to Place Device on Boating Waters from the State Park: Meet with head of Utah Lake State Park and go over course and dock location for the coming year. This should be done in November/December.
  • Arrange the annual Adopt-A-Park club service project in September.
  • Complete Quail Creek Permit.
  • Attend scheduled board meetings and report on government affairs
  • Attend annual winter meeting and report on government affairs.

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